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KYC Form

Financial Approval

Company Information

Company Name : 

Year of Establishment: 

Number of Employees:

Trade License Number:
(Please attach the Document)
(Please attach the Document)

Printer Information

Number of Printers : Monthly Print Volumes:
  • Mono
  • Color

Average Annual Spend on Printing:

Number of Printers Required:

  • Current need
  • Future need

Printer Setup

Current Setup:  
(Please select one)

Key Contact Information

Authorized Signatory for Issuing LPO:

Contact Information for Key Parties:

  • Finance Manager
  • IT Manager

Client Company Signature

Authorized Client Signature:

Date of Signing:

This section is reserved for GIT’s internal use only. External parties are kindly requested not to sign or fill in this portion.

Company Information

Approval Status:

Git Signatories

  • Sales Manager
  • Finance Manager

Date of Signing: