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Choosing the right Printer on HP,
Helps you Save 50% or More

This calculator shows you how much you will be saving monthly, over a year, and over 5 years, by using an HP M880z versus another smaller HP printer. Just choose the printer you are currently operating from the drop down list and fill in how many pages you print per month, separated by color  and mono pages . The calculation is based on just toner consumption without cost of printer, maintenance and spare parts.

Company Name:

Currency Convertor:

Choose Your Printer: Pages Printed Per Month:
Your Current Cost Per Page: Your Proposed Cost Per Page:

Check your results below:

Your Cost of Printing Monthly
Model Color Mono
Your Cost of Printing Over 1 year
Model Color Mono
Your Cost of Printing Over 5 Years
Model Color Mono

By keeping your current printer you stand to loose:

Amount Amount (%)
Per Month
Over 1 Year
Over 5 Years