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Photo Gallery

GIT Recognized at Gulf Capital SMEInfo Awards 2012 / test

GIT’s Board of Directors Inaugurates New Sales Offices / test
AllWorld Summit @Harvard 2012 / test
GIT’s New Commercial Offices in Dubai / Commercial Offices in Dubai
Tecom Investments Rewards GIT / Tecom Investments
Dubai SME 100 / Dubai SME
GIT’s CEO Guest at the British Business Group Dubai / British Business Group Dubai
Dubai SME Corporate Governance Conference / Corporate Governance Conference
GIT Wins DSO Supplier Excellence Awards / DSO Supplier Excellence Awards
Top 100 Dubai SMEs on the path to an IPO? / Top 100 Dubai SMEs
GIT’s German offices in Frankfurt / German offices in Frankfurt
GIT’s Abu Dhabi Offices / Abu Dhabi Offices
GIT at IFC Workshop on Coporate Governance / IFC Workshop on Coporate Governance
Cover Photos / Cover
Profile Pictures / Profile
GIT Staff Celebrate Arabia 500 Ranking / GIT Staff Celebrate
SME Advisor Stars of Business Summit and Awards 2011 / SME Advisor Stars of Business
Arabia500 Fast Growth / AllWorld Network December 2011 / AllWorld Network December 2011
Arabia500 Fast Growth / AllWorld Network December 2011 / AllWorld Network December 2011