GIT Corporate Social Responsibility

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We understand our role at GIT as producer of goods that can potentially harm the environment. This is why we take corporate social responsibility so seriously. Our mission is 0 waste to landfill. We have policies on our approach to safeguarding the environment as well as laying out clearly for everyone the steps we take to do our part in making the world around us better for everyone.

The GIT 4 Step Recycling Process
Set out below is our recycling process so that you can see how we insist on the best possible environmental solutions in everything we do.

Cartridge Evaluation
All cartridges are examined, sorted and those that do not fit our exacting standards are marked out for recycling.

Cartridge Disassembly
Those cartridges that are not suitable for remanufacture have all of their components removed and sent on for recycling

Cartridges Part Assessment
Every part that is included in the cartridge case is sorted for either reuse in the remanufacturing process or for recycling.

The cartridge cases and other recyclable elements that do not pass muster are sent to plastic recycling companies and turned into raw plastic residue.