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Value Proposition

Guaranteed 30% savings over new OEM products

Show us your OEM quotation, and we will match it if we are not priced 30% below or less
Also our brand guarantee belongs here
Always be printing with GIT. If we can’t fix it in 8 hours, you will be printing free with us




Value is at the heart of what we do at GIT. From the very beginning, we have always felt that there is a place for value without compromising on quality without an environmental cost; it is purely a matter of searching for the right approach so the ideal solution can be found. This is the essence of the GIT Value Proposition.

GIT offers you as either a small, medium, or large company, a range of printing products and support services that will not only transform your consumable and printing service buying power, but will assist you in the reduction of your company’s environmental footprint. Who says you cannot have value and quality?

Economically and environmentally sound technology you can rely on.